How to Dress for Your Body Shape

It’s a well known fact that women come in many different shapes and sizes, and this is something we really should embrace and celebrate. Generally, there are five different female body shapes – the rectangle, pear, apple, strawberry, and hourglass – and one of the biggest problems many women face is how to dress to suit their shape. Really, the key thing is to dress for your body and not for fashion. Once you start following fashion trends you fall into the trap of making fashion choices that don’t suit your shape, so here we’re creating a little guide with how to make sure you make the right choice for your shape.


Dress for you Body Shape 1


    1. The Rectangle

Dress for you Body Shape 2


Celebrity examples: Keira Knightly, Kate Moss

This is one of those body shapes that can pull of absolutely any look. But there is a slight downside: straight body shapes tends to look quite boyish and less feminine. Ladies with this body shape often long to add some add curves to their frame, so a great way to do this is to buy pieces that create the illusion of curves. Our reversible Franka dress is the perfect dress for doing just that. It is designed with the use of optical graphics which creates curves and accentuates the waist, so you can easily add some va-va-voom to your look!

2. The Pear

Dress for you Body Shape 6


Celebrity examples: Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian

The pear is one of the most popular body types. With this shape, your body is smaller on top and larger below the waist. Often pear shapes also have a small bustling and waist. The secret to dressing for this body type is to draw attention away from your hips to your upper half. Our Johana Dress with its dark all over color and detailed shoulders is perfect for pear shapes. It will draw the eye up to the slimmer parts of your body, while also allowing you to show off your curves.

3. The Apple

Dress for you Body Shape 5


Celebrity examples: Kirstie Alley, Queen Latifah

So you’ve probably grown up being told it’s difficult to find clothing that looks good on you…WRONG! Apple shaped women can look just as great as women with other body shapes as long as they find silhouettes flattering to them. With this body type weight is concentrated around the waist, so a good solution are dresses that cinch the waist. We recommend our reversible Oksana dress because the dark midsection will slim and accentuate a larger waist. The thick brighter panels a the top and bottom of the dress will also draw attention away from your mid-section.

4. The Strawberry

Dress for you Body Shape 4

Celebrity examples: Pamela Anderson, Christine Hendricks

This has been the body shape of many sexy sirens throughout history. With this shape your weight is carried in your upper body. You have broad shoulders, may have a large bustling and a small waistline. As this shape tends to have broad shoulders and a larger bust, it’s also important to avoid any clothing that draws attention to your upper half. Our reversible Abbee dress is the perfect dress for this body shape. It has a plain upper half and stripes on the lower half, which will draw the eye down and take attention away from your upper body.

5. The Hourglass


Celebrity examples: Sofia Vergara, Beyonce

You’ve got killer curves girl and you know it! Your body type is the most the lusted after of all. With this shape your weight is evenly distributed on top and bottom, and you are also lucky enough to have a defined waist. With this type of body shape it’s important to accentuate your smaller waist in contrast to your bust and hips. Our Kaleen dress is the perfect choice for you. It’s design uses color blocking and graphics to demarcate and define the difference between the bust and the hips and also draws the eye right in to your waist.


Yours truly,

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