Expand the definition of love starting with yourself
Happy Valentine's day! This year, we encourage you to expand your definitions of love to the many kinds of love to be grateful for in this world. For the lovebirds in a relationship and celebrating this day of love with the one you love, we hope you enjoy this special day! But for many of us who are single, we have a special message for you too!
Hearts and flowers are great, but reminder: you don't need to look outside of yourself to find love.
Today, love yourself more than the idea of others loving you.

Today is also a celebration of YOU. Why not celebrate being single and the love we have for work, our family, our hobbies, or just simply being who we are!? The love we have received from all these different sources is certainly something to celebrate.
You may be thinking, the love I have for work? Hobbies? How do I celebrate that? It’s simple. You can celebrate the love you have for work by sending an email to your colleagues or employees wishing them well and happiness on this day, or giving out heart shaped chocolates as a sweet gesture! And the hobbies that give us pleasure and happiness can be celebrated by doing them alongside good friends and relatives and sharing that fun, enjoyable experience with those you love most.
At Jia Collection, we have always celebrated personal style and individuality, that is why we offer so much flexibility and many options in each of our designs. We don’t want you to feel like you have to let the clothes wear you, instead you befriend your outfit and style and make them support you by being adaptable and comfortable no matter what your days have in store for you . We want you to love yourself more and let the clothes celebrate your individuality and personality.

We also want you to love yourself more by valuing your time and money spent on products you buy. Instead of buying more clothes more often when a top or dress fails you, only invest in quality (vs quantity) and what actually makes your life easier.
How much easier it would be to have 1 piece that you can easily wear 8 ways (as below photo) instead of having to buy, own, store and carry 8 difference pieces?
Learn how to do this by checking out one of our most viewed blog posts here! And we can’t forget about our love for the environment as well. Learn how reversible/multifunctional clothes celebrates the health and care for the world.
Lastly, we just want to encourage you to love yourself. When you love yourself, you are able to fully love and appreciate others, you are happier, you are more confident, exude more positive energy and also empower and enlighten themselves, others, and the world around them!
This year, rethink your definitions of love, don't limit it just to romantic love, but the love for yourself and what contributes to your happiness, fulfillment and overall quality of life. Once you agree and commit to love yourself first, you will feel it much easier to love another person, and you will feel confident in your ability to treat yourself and do more for yourself a little each day. You will find deeper fulfillment in your work, your hobbies, and of course, your love life.
Below are some of our customers who exemplify how they love their role in life either being a mom, entrepreneur, senior executive or frequent traveler.
Veronica Popoiacu (mom) from Bittersweet Colours in our Alex pullover/cardigan
Jennifer Zimmons (senior executive) of Zimmons International in Danielle reversible/convertible dress/cardigan
If you’re planning to join your beau for a romantic dinner tonight, we have some great recommendations for you as well!!
Awesome Date and Outfit Ideas for Valentine's Day
7 Romantic Destinations to Spend Valentine's Day
Wear Red - Make Every Day Valentine’s Day
8 Ways Reversible Clothing Can Help your Dating Life
We hope today and every day brings you love and happiness. Have a great, positive, empowering week!
With love,