Live mindfully and light with efficient designs that save time and ease stress
If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to improve your overall quality of life, then this one is for you! I read an interesting article recently about how one simple tip can save you time and reduce stress and frustration in the morning. This got me thinking about how incorporating reversible/multifunctional fashion into your collection is also ONE simple tip that has many added benefits to your life as well! It helps you
- get through your morning routine faster
- makes it easier to transition from your day plans to evening plans
- pack light for business trips
- and embrace every single day in between much more efficiently

The mission of this article, according to life success coach Angie Johnsey, is to be more mindful and bring clarity and peace to one’s life.
“The mind has been busy in the background, talking, worrying about things, arguing with people in your head,” which Johnsey describes as lost energy. “It’s all about awareness. You have to start to pay attention to your thoughts, and focus on what’s going on up there.”
NBC Today’s Show anchor Hoda Kotb said her problem areas are organization and over-committing by saying yes too often.
Kotb said she learned that “those things you can’t control, leave those to fate or higher power,” like worries and uncertainties.“In addition to working on nutrition and fitness, my mission for the month has also been to keep my mindfulness in check.”
One very important tip that helped Kotb was buying a pouch that she keeps in her purse of all the things she needs on a daily basis, including keys, badge and lipstick. This pouch is so helpful because these little but important things now have a dedicated place they go to, and Kotb will always make sure to put those things back to the pouch so she never has to worry about where to find them again! What also helped Kotb was writing things down, like responsibilities for that day or ongoing thoughts.
It’s interesting that we rarely count the time we spend on finding our things, like your work badge or your keys. This also includes spending time picking out an efficient and stylish outfit for the day that will feel comfortable all day long. If you think about it, those minutes really add up! But besides the small things mentioned in the article, how about the amount of time you spend on searching for garments to buy, to try them on, check them out, etc? It takes a good amount of time.
And how about the time you spend on thinking about
- what to wear to multiple occasions in one day?
- Which outfits to pack with you?
- what bag you’re going to have to carry around with you all day that holds everything you’ll need (including a wrinkle spray)?
- how much time you’ll have to change your outfit and where…
I’m exhausted even thinking about it. Unlike those fashion bloggers whose job is just to dress themselves up to get great photos taken, most women have many other tasks to juggle throughout a day. When you have a reversible piece, you know that you’ll like the shape from the moment you take it off, you know the fit and fabric already, and by simply turning it around, you have a different look! So easy. It eliminates all the time you would have normally needed to spend on putting together a new outfit.
Have you heard of 'decision fatigue’? In case you haven’t, basically the more decisions you have to make, the worse the quality of your decision making is. Morning routines are precious and we don’t want, nor do we have the time, to stress about what to wear. And after a long day of work the last thing you need is more stress and worry. But for many of us who live in a city like New York City, we don’t always head straight home after work. Instead we meet friends for a drink, go to dinner, and we don’t want to wear the same thing as what we wore to work. By far the easiest way I’ve found, and so many others as well have found, to achieve a different look is to manipulate the piece you are already wearing somehow, if it is capable of giving you a different look.
Jia Collection The Essential Silk/Cashmere Collection
How about 'choice paralysis’?
The more choices you have the harder it is to choose, therefore you are less likely to make a choice.
If you have a crowded closet full of clothes and you still don’t know what to wear, read our article,The Ultimate Guide To An Efficient Wardrobe.
So why not save yourself from these stressors by owning less clothes that have more value? Invest in reversible/multifunctional garments that you know that you will truly love and feel your best in, and that you will get plenty use out of. These garments will become your true companion and ammunition for all the daily tasks you tackle.
Not to mention, when you are traveling, now you can
- spend less time packing
- have less to carry
- less to keep track of
- less to unpack
- less to clean
- spend less time getting ready for day-to-night festivities
All of these give you more time to enjoy yourself, your company, your activities, and your destination. You’ll have more time and energy, feel comfortable, and look great all day! Are you ready to let reversible clothes enhance your daily routine, ease your stress and worry, and improve your life?
How about bringing this reversible/convertible Hedy jacket with you on your next trip? It can go with any item in your wardrobe and can accompany you to any dressy and casual occasion!
Hedy reversible knit jacket - go with everything and go everywhere with you.
We know you’ll love it!
Have a great rest of your week, and a fantastic weekend!